
Vechr k8s
Vehcr IIoT is platfom SaaS to help productivity in manufacturing through Technology
Running in Kubernetes Engine, it can be cloud or on premises.

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Getting started with Vechr IIoT using Helm

In this repo you can find the Helm 3 based charts to install Vechr.

Install Cert Manager for Issue the Certificate

> helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
> helm repo update
> helm install \
    cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
    --namespace cert-manager \
    --create-namespace \
    --version v1.11.0 \
    --set installCRDs=true

Install Vehcr IIoT application

> helm repo add vechr https://helm.vechr.com/helm/charts/
> helm repo update

> helm repo list
NAME          	URL 
vechr          	https://helm.vechr.com/helm/charts/

> kubectl create namespace production
> helm install vechr-production vechr/vechr-iiot -n production

Persistence Data

You have two choices for storing the data, vechr iiot use postgresql and influxdb to store streaming data and metadata. By default vechr iiot used internal postgresql and influxdb. But you can use external postgresql and influxdb with disabled the option postgresql and influx.

# Disabling internal postgresql
  enabled: false

# Disabling internal influxdb
  enabled: false

# you need to specify port in each microservices
    enabled: true
    name: audit-service
    ... please refer to default yaml

    # you need this setup this!
      serviceName: postgres-service 
      username: vechrUser
      password: vechr123
      port: 5432

    ... please refer to default yaml
    enabled: true
    name: auth-service

    ... please refer to default yaml
    # you need this setup this!
      serviceName: postgres-service
      username: vechrUser
      password: vechr123
      port: 5432

    ... please refer to default yaml
    enabled: true
    name: db-logger-service
    ... please refer to default yaml

    # you need this setup this!
      serviceName: influx-service
      port: 8086

    ... please refer to default yaml
    enabled: true
    name: notification-service
    ... please refer to default yaml
    # you need this setup this!
      serviceName: postgres-service
      username: vechrUser
      password: vechr123
      port: 5432

    ... please refer to default yaml
    enabled: true
    name: things-service
    ... please refer to default yaml

    # you need this setup this!
      serviceName: postgres-service
      username: vechrUser
      password: vechr123
      port: 5432

    ... please refer to default yaml
    - name: gmail-service
      enabled: true
      externalName: smtp.gmail.com
        - port: 587
    - name: postgres-service # you need this setup this!
      enabled: true
      externalName: host.docker.internal # You need pointing into your postgres host db
        - port: 5432 # You need pointing into your postgre port
    - name: influx-service # you need this setup this!
      enabled: true
      externalName: host.docker.internal # You need pointing into your influx host db
        - port: 8086 # You need pointing into your influx port

You run with option external influxdb and postgres locally and you have docker.

You can use docker for setup PostgreSQL and InfluxDB if you don’t have the Server PostgreSQL and InfluxDB running in the cloud.